Explore what it means to be an ally to Indigenous communities engaged in healing, resisting colonialism, and struggling for sovereignty.
For years, Anishinaabe people in Treaty 3 have been defending their land and way of life, and resisting imposed crises, such as mercury contamination of the English-Wabigoon river system 40 years ago which continues to poison fish that is a traditional staple of their diet. Also, clear-cut logging on their traditional land led to a blockade in 2002 that has successfully halted logging for the time being.
Starting in Winnipeg, MB (Treaty 1), delegates will meet with community development workers and Indigenous leaders, and then spend time with the community in Grassy Narrows (Treaty 3). Delegates will undertake an analysis of colonialism, participate in anti-racism exercises, and critically reflect on how to live in right relations with the Earth and their Indigenous neighbors.
FUNDRAISING EXPECTATION: $800 USD which does NOT include the cost of travel to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Questions? Contact delegations@cpt.org.