If you reside in the United States, CPT would be honored to be a part of your estate planning!
Estate planning helps direct how your assets will be distributed, according to your wishes. Naming CPT as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or as a recipient of a specified amount in your will, helps provide a vital legacy of support for peacemaking.
CPT is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization.
Here is sample language for naming CPT in your will:
I give to Christian Peacemaker Teams, 2649 W. 21st St, Chicago, IL 60608, USA (US TaxID #36-3174662) $_______________ (or ______ % of the rest of my estate) to be used for general purposes.
We strongly encourage you to speak with a financial adviser or attorney about a will or other planned giving options!
If you are considering naming CPT as a beneficiary, let us know! Contact our Outreach Coordinator at outreach@cpt.org.