Stop Funding War:
On July 23, members of CPT’s summer training group and supporters held a mock trial, indicting Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-IL) Iraq war voting record. With “History” as the judge, participants called the “Court of Public Opinion” to order at the Federal Building in downtown Chicago. Although the Senator voted against using force in Iraq back in 2002, he has consistently voted in favor of funding the war.
Chicago police arrested eight CPTers, charged them with criminal trespass and transported them to jail. All were released by 3:30am. Their cases were later dismissed. Arrested were: Rachel Cloud, Charletta Erb, Jean Fallon, Jessica Frederick, Joshua Hough, Paulette Schroeder, Martin Smedjeback and Reservist Denis Murphy (Chicago, IL).
Yesterday – Hiroshima; Today – DU:
On August 6, approximately 40 people gathered at the headquarters of Alliant Techsystems, Inc. (ATK) in Edina, MN to prayerfully commemorate all who died in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 62 years ago. They also offered prayers for those who have suffered the effects of Depleted Uranium (DU) poisoning in recent years.
ATK is the world’s largest producer of DU weapons. Health effects linked to DU’s radioactive particles include increased instances of cancers, leukemia, birth defects, miscarriages, and infant mortality among civilians and soldiers alike. In addition, ATK produces motors for launching nuclear missiles.
Vigil participants carried white roses towards the front door of ATK, hoping to deliver their message of healing and remembrance to executives inside. When stopped by police, the group knelt down in prayer. Eight people received citations for trespassing that carry a $142 fine.
Arrested were Tarek Abuata, Sally Ann Brickner, Delycia Fuestel, Martin Smedjeback, Colin Stuart, along with CPTers Kryss Chupp (Chicago, IL), Cliff Kindy (N. Manchester, IN), and Alliant Action member Steve Clemens (Minneapolis, MN).