Train with us. Join Community Peacemaker Teams.

Accepting applications for prospective members on a rolling basis.
Training Dates: Next online and in-person sessions to be announced soon.
Join us on a transformative journey! If you’re passionate about peacemaking, this is your chance to be part of something meaningful.
For individuals interested in joining CPT, our dynamic training provides a unique opportunity for personal and collective growth and learning. Using a hybrid model of both online sessions and a two-week in-person component, we design our training content to respond to the changing contexts where CPT works, giving special attention to the needs of our partners and our programs.
At CPT, we’re dedicated to providing a high-standard training experience. We aim to equip participants with a solid anti-oppression framework, aligning with CPT’s mission, vision, and values. Join us in creating and adapting a training experience that embraces the wisdom of our teams and partners. Together, let’s make a positive impact!

Training Dates
Online sessions:
Saturdays from July 20 to November 2
3 hours each session
In-person sessions:
November 15-30 in Colombia, South America
Daily from 8:00am to 6:00pm
Participants commit to attending every session and not planning other events. In addition to skill building, a significant aspect of training is the experience of working, learning, and reflecting together as a team, so it is especially important that everyone is present for the whole training.

Application Process
- CPT requires applicants for membership to have some prior experience or relationship with our organization, such as a short-term delegation or internship. See our delegations page and contact us at for more information about options. See our delegations page and contact us at for more information about options.
- Complete and submit an Application Form.
- Engage with written exercises as part of the selection process.
- Participate in a scheduled interview.
Training Objectives
CPT understands violence to be rooted in systemic structures of oppression. We are committed to undoing oppression in our own lives and in the practices of our organization. Within that framework, participants in CPT’s Peacemaker Training will:
Practice peacemaking skills in three core areas:
- Public Witness & Nonviolent Direct Action
- Conflict Transformation & Undoing Oppressions
- Solidarity Presence & Human Rights Reporting
Connect and nourish faith and spiritual centeredness as roots for:
- Building partnerships to transform violence and oppression
- Deepening self-care practices and skills for sustaining this work
Explore issues and dynamics related to:
- Team Life
- Leadership and Consensus Decisionmaking
- Communication in cross-cultural crisis settings
Training Costs
Participants contribute to cover the expenses of the training according to the following rates based on their region of origin:
- Colombia / Palestine / Iraqi Kurdistan / Greece = $550 USD
- United States / Western Europe / United Kingdom / Australia = $1600 USD
- Canada = $1300 USD
- America Latina / Asia / Africa = $850 USD
This contribution covers all costs for both the online sessions as well as food, lodging, supplies, and materials for the in-person component of the training. In addition, participants cover their own travel expenses to Colombia, including visa fees if applicable and travel insurance to cover health care costs. We also suggest bringing enough pocket money for 4-6 meals out, local transportation, and free-time activities (+/- $100 USD).
Visa Requirement: Before applying for the delegation, please check if you need a visa or a preapproved electronic travel authorization. You can find general information regarding visa requirements here, but make sure to confirm the length of time required to apply for a visa and all requirements with the concerned embassy or consulate in your country, or the government’s website.
What To Expect
During the training, participants are invited to:
- Practice a variety of rotating team roles and responsibilities each session
- Actively participate in all training sessions
- Engage in different self-care and team activities and exercises
- Support teammates using interpretation/translation
- Participate in individual interviews with the training team
- Remain flexible for unexpected changes in the scheduled activities
Online sessions
- Complete preparatory readings or exercises in advance of the sessions as assigned.
- Commit to being fully present. Please do not engage in other activities during the sessions.
In-person sessions
- Be prepared for an intense experience. It’s not exactly “boot camp,” nor can we simulate all of the living conditions that will likely be part of your work, but, days will be long and full. So we hope you all will bring balmy spirits, open hearts, and an eagerness to test your best interpersonal peacemaking skills.
- Living conditions will be simple and afford little privacy. Participants will share rooms. Internet access may be somewhat limited.
- Kitchen facilities will have basic equipment for preparing simple meals together. Rotating roles and cleaning chores will be part of the daily routine.
- There will be some time off that you can choose to enjoy on your own or by organizing a group activity.

If you have any questions please email