Your donation helps build partnerships for peace.
Donations in the US are tax-deductible. In the US, CPT is a 501(c)3 charity, EIN number 36-3174662.
CPT Canada does not have charitable status, because CRA status restrictions would impact the work that we do on behalf of our partners.
Community Peacemaker teams is committed to standing in solidarity with communities who are in a nonviolent struggle against the violence and oppression that they face in their daily lives.
The cost of one of our peacemakers is a mere fraction of the cost of a soldier. And our teams are many more times effective in reducing violence and contributing to real peace and lasting security. So much of the world is investing in war – let’s invest in peace instead!
More ways to give
Congregational Giving
We rely on the support of communities of faith committed to a world of peace and nonviolence. Would you consider partnering with us?
Legacy Giving
The Seeds is a community of givers who are making peace and justice part of their lasting legacy. A legacy commitment is an investment in work that will create a more just, peaceful and dignified world for generations to come. Learn more.
Stock Donations
We accept donations in the form or stocks or any commonly traded security and mutual funds.
If you’d like to donate by check, you can send them to: Box 6508, Chicago, IL 60680 or 103 Bellevue Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 2N8
Donations in the US are tax-deductible. In the US, CPT is a 501(c)3 charity, EIN number 36-3174662.
CPT Canada does not have charitable status, because CRA status restrictions would impact the work that we do on behalf of our partners.