Service Roster


A listing of CPTers and where they served.

Aboriginal Justice: CPTers serving the Aboriginal Justice team April-June 2012 were Art Arbour (Ontario, Canada), Julián Gutiérrez (Colombia), Peter Haresnape (Cambridgeshire, England), Rebecca Johnson (Ontario, Canada), Murray Lumley (Ontario, Canada) and Chris Sabas (Iranian national & naturalized U.S. citizen living in New York, USA).  Delegates 3-14 April were Johannes Borgetto (Mühltal, Germany), Daniel Dettweiler (Backnang, Germany), Ernst Christian (Schifferstadt, Germany), Mel Earley (Nova Scotia, Canada), Christine Fehrle (Karlsruhe, Germany), Jonas Reihl (Bammental, Germany), Ulrike Schmutz (Mannheim, Germany), Anne-Käthe Schoenhals (Schifferstadt, Germany) and Laurens Thiessen van Esch (Bammental, Germany).

Colombia: CPTers serving the Colombia team April-June 2012 were Tawd Bell (Ohio, USA), Merwyn De Mello (Illinois, USA), Duane Ediger (Illinois, USA), Charletta Erb (California, USA), Gladys Gómez (Colombia), Julie & Phil Hart (Ohio, USA), Ramyar Hassani – intern (Sanandaj, Iran), Chris Knestrick (Ohio, USA), Caldwell Manners (Meghalaya, India), Julie Myers (Ohio, USA), Sandra Milena Rincón (Colombia), Tim Nafziger (California, USA), Jenny Rodríguez (Colombia), Carol Rose (Illinois, USA), Pierre Shantz (Colombia) and Stewart Vriesinga (Ontario, Canada).  Delegates 29 May – 6 June were Mike Cantley (Maryland, USA), Dan Dale (Illinois, USA), Ruth Anne Friesen (Illinois, USA), Marv Funk (Ontario, Canada), Jan Passion (Dunedin, New Zealand), Tory Webster (New York, USA), Terra Winston (New York, USA); 1-8 April, eight Colombians participated in a national delegation (names withheld for security reasons).

Palestine: Thirteen CPTers and from Canada, England, Netherlands, Palestine, Philippines, Sweden and the USA served the Palestine team April-June 2012.  Nine delegation members 22 May – 4 June came from Canada, New Zealand and the USA.  Names withheld due to the State of Israel’s policy of denying entry to many peacemakers. 

Iraqi Kurdistan:  CPTers serving the Iraq team April-June 2012 were Laura Ciaghi (Trento, Italy),  Lukasz Firla (Czech Republic), David Hovde (Illinois, USA), Amy Peters (Saskatchewan, Canada), Sandra Milena Rincón (Colombia), Garland Robertson (Texas, USA), Kathy Thiessen (Manitoba, Canada) and Patrick Thompson (Wales).

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