Prayers for Peacemakers 20 January 2021 Colombia

We pray for their lives and appreciate the good with which we have been and are blessed through their love.
A CPTer with a blue vest and red hat is seen from the back, riding a mule on a muddy path, with palm trees in the distance

Accompanying those who accompany.

Today, we want to exalt and honor those who accompany us in our work of accompanying. Those who accompany us in our day-to-day lives and sustain us with love. Perhaps we have not thanked them enough, perhaps because we take them for granted. But the truth is that we have lacked to say with greater vehemence that to achieve our work of accompanying, as a team, we have been equally accompanied and supported by animals.

Yes, animals have been the ones who have given us the possibility of entering many regions, especially when rainy season hits or fear looms. They guide us on the paths and protect us from some dangers. Without a doubt, animals surround our lives and help us to recharge ourselves with love. Including in our homes, in each CPT house where they accompany us or where they arrive looking for food or shelter, especially in these confusing and turbulent times.

We pray for their lives and appreciate the good with which we have been and are blessed through their love.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated – Mahatma Gandhi

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