Prayers for Peacemakers 10 February 2021 US/Mexico Borderlands

Give thanks for the volunteers who are working many hours every day to provide food, first aid, and emotional support to the migrants.
People line up outside a building waiting for service. The sky is bright and cloudless.
People wait outside the Migrant Resource Centre after being apprehended in the US and sent back to Mexico.

Last December the United States Border Patrol began sending migrants who had been recently apprehended in the US—both Mexicans and Central Americans—back to Mexico.  The Centro de Recursos para Migrantes (Migrant Resource Center) currently receives 40 to 60 migrants every day.

  • Pray for the safety of migrants on their uncertain journey.
  • Give thanks for the volunteers who are working many hours every day to provide food, first aid, and emotional support to the migrants.
  • Ask for courage to speak out against the arbitrary policies of the US Border Patrol.
  • Pray for forgiveness for those who make and carry out those policies.

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