Prayers for Peacemakers 28 July 2021 US/Mexico Borderlands

Pray for the safety and physical and emotional health of everyone who walks through the gate of the CRM.
There is a black metal fence across the frame, a white sign is ziptied to the fence. It has a drawing of three flowers, and text in Spanish that reads "Migration is not a crime." Behind the fence is a building with a green awning that reads CRM. There are several masked individuals walking around, and there is a bench and a bicycle sitting near the entrance.
CRM celebrates 15 years of support for migrants.

At the end of June 2021, the Migrant Resource Center (CRM for its acronym in Spanish) celebrated 15 years of support to migrants travelling in both directions on the border between Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, and Douglas, Arizona, USA.  The CRM—a collaboration of several faith-based organizations—offers food, first aid, phone calls, and information to people whom US Border Patrol has repatriated to Mexico.  Additionally, in the last 15 years, the CRM has helped Mexican citizens locate relatives who might be in detention in the US and has provided support to asylum seekers.  Presently the number of migrants returned to Mexico is the same or higher than in the early 2000s.  On many days, more than 100 people walk into the CRM where staff meet them with a welcoming smile, food and drinks, first aid for damaged feet, and information about where to stay in Agua Prieta or how to return home.

  • Pray for the safety and physical and emotional health of everyone who walks through the gate of the CRM.
  • Give thanks for the volunteers who meet the migrants at any hour of the day or night.
  • Mourn for every person who has died crossing the desert and those who return to Mexico damaged in body and soul.
  • Celebrate with the CRM 15 years of faithful service.
  • Pray that one day all migrants everywhere can travel safely.

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