Guarantee the human right to movement

Pray that migrants may safely make their journeys towards a better life and that governments will choose to guarantee the human right to movement.
migrants handprints in red and blue paint cover a white wall

We have entered a new month. The summer holidays are over, and everyday life is back to normal. But not everyone went on vacation this summer; some never do. Nor can they set up their “daily” routines—as some do—every September. People are stuck at EU borders, in closed detention centers, or on the Greek isles because someone with power and influence has decided that they are illegal. They decide by a flip of a pen on paper that people on the move can be tagged and controlled, beaten and disposed of. Migrants are only trying to create new lives away from war, danger and insecurity but a select few do not allow them to do so.

We pray for all those who are exercising their human right to movement, safety and security, despite the dehumanizing treatment that awaits them. We, CPT-Aegean Migrant Solidarity, stand against all forms of exploitation and oppression so that together we can all strive for a better life.

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