CPTers serving the Colombia team June-August 2008 were: Michele Braley (Minneapolis, MN), Sally Ann Brickner (Green Bay, WI), Laura Ciaghi (Trento, Italy), Jenny Dillon (Washingto, DC), Nils Dybvig (Minneapolis, MN), Julián Gutiérrez (Colombia), Bob Holmes (Toronto, ON), Sarah MacDonald (Iowa City, IA), Gerald Paoli (Chicago, IL), William Payne (Toronto, ON), Sandra Rincón (Colombia), Pierre Shantz (Colombia), Carol Tyx (Iowa City, IA), John Volkening (Chicago, IL), Stewart Vriesinga (Lucknow, ON).
Delegation July 16-29: Jake Bader (Denver, CO), Amanda Balzer (Lincoln, NE) Christine Busch-Nema (St. Louis, MO), Megan Felt (Iowa City, IA), Joel Girard (Miami, FL), David Goodner (Iowa City, IA), Julie Hart (Columbus, OH), Drew Herbert (Claremont, CA), John Knox (Salem, OR), Linda Knox (Salem, OR), Joseph Wyse (Columbus, OH), Matilda Yoder (London, OH)
CPTers serving the Iraq team June-August 2008 were: Anita David (Chicago, IL), Angela Davis (New Orleans, LA), Peggy Gish (Athens, OH), Joe Mueller (New Orleans, LA), Doug Pritchard (Toronto, ON), Beth Pyles (McDowell, VA), Garland Robertson (Austin, TX), Chihchun Yuan (Taipei, Taiwan). Delegation members July 31 -August 14 were: Patricia Blocksome (Manhattan, KS), Mary Grace (Wolftown, VA), Nathan Hoover (Lancaster, PA), Donald Kahle (Eugene, OR), Hayley Kemp (Plymouth, England), Kathleen O’Malley (Albuquerque, NM).
Aboriginal Justice
CPTers serving on Aboriginal Justice team June-August 2008 were: Renee Borsberry (El Paso, TX), Haven Downing (Toronto, ON), Carolyn and John Hudson (Snow Road Station, ON), Rebecca Johnson (Toronto, ON), Amanda Jokerst (St. Louis, MO), Esther Kern (London, ON), Joel Klassen (Toronto, ON).
Summer Training Group
Members of CPT’s Summer 2008 training group: Lyn Adamson (Toronto, ON), Karen Arnold (Suquamish, WA), Dennis Bricker (Iowa City, IA), Christine Downing (Breton, AB), Gladys Gómez (Bogotá, Colombia), Esther Mae Hinshaw (Newberg, OR), Sophia Hochstedler (Chicago, IL), Paul Horst (Chicago, IL), Daniel Huizenga (Peterborough, ON), Sam Nichols (San Diego, CA), Craig Kite (Waldorf, MD), Chris Knestrick (Cleveland, OH), Andy Oliver (Tumwater, WA), Hilary Scarsella (Bloomington, IN), Margaret Sumadh (Toronto, ON).
CPTers serving the Palestine teams (Hebron & At-Tuwani) June-August 2008 were: Tarek Abuata (Bethesda, MD), Jan Benvie (Fife, Scotland), Laura Ciaghi (Trento, Italy), Joy Ellison (Vancouver, WA), Jean Fallon (Maryknoll, NY), Jessica Frederick (Jamestown, NY), Joel Gulledge (Chicago, IL), John Harris (Eagle Rock, CA), Donna Hicks (Durham, NC), Kathy Kern (Rochester, NY), Dave Martin (Chicago, IL), Emily McNeill – intern (Fairport, NY), Ilse Muehlsteph (Bielefeld, Germany), Sean O’Neill (Springfield, OH), Lorin Peters (San Leandro, CA), Dianne Roe (Corning, NY), Heidi Schramm (Washington, DC), Sarah Scruggs (Washington, DC), Kathie Uhler (New York, NY), Marius Van Hoogstraten – intern (Amsterdam, Netherlands); Delegation members July 22 – August 4 were: Ben Barwick (Mishawaka, IN), Matthew Bosisio (Augusta, GA), Tim Bowman (Bristol, England), Hannah Breckbill (Northfield, MN), Alan Dick (Bloomington, IN), Amanda Dick (Kansas City, KS), Esther Kern (London, ON), Emily Kothe (St. Louis, MO), Kelly Latimore (Aurora, IL), Emily McNeill (Fairport, NY), Bob Palmer (Chicago, IL), Suzanne Yatim (Florissant, MO)