December 23, 2001
CHICAGO: Christian Peacemaker Teams Seeks Emergency
Response Team to Support Nonviolence Campaign in
Vieques on February 6-13, 2002
Since World War II the U.S. Navy has used the Puerto
Rican island of Vieques for bombing exercises. This
has resulted in deadly and detrimental environmental
and health effects for the island residents.
Recently, the international community has organized an
impressive, concerted nonviolent opposition movement
to halt the bombing of this beautiful island.
Their efforts have had a positive impact, but the
threat of resumed bombing continues.
For two months following the September 11 attacks,
local organizers in Vieques held a moratorium on civil
disobedience that has concluded. As the government
increasingly uses September 11 as a rationale for
continued Vieques bombing, organizers are mobilizing
for another wave of nonviolent civil disobedience.
Vieques represents a cutting edge of organized
nonviolent resistance to the powers of international
militarism. Our brothers and sisters there
need our support.
Christian Peacemaker Teams is recruiting participants
for another emergency response team tentatively
scheduled to travel to Vieques on February
6-13, 2002. CPT needs people prayerfully willing to
act on either of two levels:
1) to learn from the Viequenses and to stand in
solidarity with them; and 2) to engage the Powers with
Christian obedience by entering the bombing range.
Are you able to go and stand with the Viequenses? Are
you able to “get in the way” of the bombing exercises?
Contact: Mark Frey at CPT: guest.76645@MennoLink.org; tel:
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Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among
Mennonite and Church of the Brethren congregations and
Friends Meetings that supports violence reduction
efforts around the world. Contact CPT, POB 6508
Chicago, IL 60680, TEL. 312-455-1199 FAX 312-432-1213
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