CPT Aboriginal Justice Delegations to Treaty #3 Territory (Northwestern Ontario) are scheduled for 13-23 August 2010 and 24 September-6 October 2010.
Corporate clear-cut logging of Asub-peeschoseewagong traditional territory has destroyed hunting, trapping, food, and medicine gathering activities of First Nations people. Indian Residential Schools have deeply affected families and communities. Mercury contamination, discovered over 40 years ago, continues to poison area residents.
Explore what it means to live in right relationship with the earth and each other. Find out what it means to be an ally to indigenous communities engaged in healing, resisting colonialism, and struggling for sovereignty. From a base in the city of Kenora, and in visits to Asubpeeschoseewagong traditional lands, delegates will meet with Indigenous and non-Indigenous community leaders and residents. Participants will develop an analysis of colonialism, participate in undoing racism training, and plan a public witness/nonviolent action as appropriate to confront issues of structural violence.
Fundraising Goal: $525 Cdn or U.S.; delegates arrange and pay for their own travel to Kenora, Ontario. Contact Claire Evans (delegations@cpt.org) to apply.