

Signs of the Times is produced up to four times a year.  Batches of 10 or more are available to institutions, congregations, and local groups for distribution.  Any part of Signs of the Times may be used without permission.  Please send CPT a copy of the reprint.  Your contributions finance CPT ministries including the distribution of 16,000 copies of Signs of the Times.  The work of CPT is guided by a 14-member STEERING COMMITTEE: Tony Brown, Adriana Cabrera, Eloy García, Maureen Jack, Rachel Long, Rafael Lopera, Susan Mark Landis, Phil Miller, Eric Olfert, Paul Pierce, Hedy Sawadsky, Wilson Tan, Sarah Thompson, and Brian Young.  CHRISTIAN PEACEMAKER CORPS: Tarek Abuata, Kryss Chupp, Laura Ciaghi, Joy Ellison, Claire Evans, Jessica Frederick, Mark Frey, Eloy García, Peggy Gish, Gladys Gómez, Julián Gutiérrez, Peter Haresnape, Sophia Hochstedler, Bob Holmes, Josh Hough, Rebecca Johnson, Esther Kern, Kathleen Kern, Christine Klassen, Chris Knestrick, Sarah MacDonald, Sylvia Morrison, Julie Myers, Michele Naar-Obed, Tim Nafziger, Sam Nichols, Scott Nicholson, Jessica Phillips, Doug Pritchard, Sandra Milena Rincón, Carol Rose, Paulette Schroeder, Zach Selekman, Pierre Shantz, Ryan Shiffer, Melanie Southworth, Stewart Vriesinga, Joe Wyse, Chihchun Yuan.  RESERVE CORPS: 170 women and men from Canada, Colombia, England, Egypt, Germany, New Zealand, Netherlands, Philippines, Scotland, Sweden and the USA.

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