CPT and Gene’s family welcome financial contributions to CPT in Gene’s honor and invite you to share your own heart commitments for peace and justice by posting a comment on Gene’s blog site, www.peaceprobe.wordpress.com, under the heading: Gene Stoltzfus – Presente! Living Memorial.
Gene’s wife Dorothy Friesen writes: “Gene seemed to understand from the get-go that when we act and speak from our hearts we contribute to the larger healing of our world. I believe that one clear way to honour Gene’s life is to engage in our own lives from our core, knowing that when we wade into the deepest streams of living water within us, we are drawing from that river of life that nourishes and sustains everything and everyone. Action springing from that Source continues to flow. It could be as a member of Christian Peacemaker Teams or other collective efforts. It could the way we relate to our children or grandchildren or co-workers or careers. It could be funding a healing work of some sort. The possibilities to reduce violence and create space for people, communities and nature to blossom are as infinite as our open hearts.”