


My delegation to Israel/Palestine was absolutely a transformative experience.  Sharing my trip upon return has also been very life-giving.  Thank you so much and blessings on your continued work!
Jenn Svetlik – Washington DC, USA

We have been collecting our allowance throughout the year, saving 10% to give to a charity.  We have decided to give this to you to help the team in Iraq where our Great Aunt Peggy Gish has worked for many years.  We feel this project is very important to this world.
Renée, Jonah, and Hannan Neher – Illinois, USA

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your work.  I am a quiet fan of CPT.  I read your newsletter cover to cover.  I don’t have money to send but I do pray for you.  I don’t always understand or agree with the politics of your work, but I trust your course of action to bring peace to our hostile world.
Brian Daniels – Indiana, USA

We are grateful for all that your do in the name of peace and nonviolence and want to back up our “preaching peace” with a donation.
Franciscan Peace Center – Kentucky, USA

Our Quaker Meeting is completely in accord with your efforts and our prayers are with you as we “hold you in the light.”
Morningside Monthly Meeting – New York, USA

I teach peace education at Willowgrove Primary School where the junior kindergarten to grade three children learn about nonviolent problem solving and other peace-related topics every week.  We have been learning about conscientious objection and peacemaking.  The children have drawn pictures for some of the CPTers serving all over the world to let them know we appreciate and support what they are doing.
John Wideman – Ontario, Canada

I can’t think of a better place to send my war tax resistance dollars than CPT!  From letter to U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS): While I am glad to contribute money to the common good and towards things that promise life and dignity…I respectfully reserve the right not to kill, and to refrain from contributing money towards weapons and the military.
Shane Claiborne – Pennsylvania, USA

I decided to start giving to CPT when I saw the “Taxpayer’s Receipt” on the White House web site (https://goo.gl/ugOIF) and realized that more than 26% of my income taxes are going to the Department of Defense.  I want more of my money going to peace than to war.
Luke Teater – Internet

We do not owe the federal government any additional tax monies this year.  Nevertheless, we are living in (or off of) our current military-industrial economy.  So this year, as in previous years, we are making special “tax-time contributions” to nonviolent, life-giving, justice-oriented organizations.  When we as a people stop paying for war, we as a nation will stop waging war.
Ray & Wilma Gingerich – Virginia, USA

Each year we redirect the portion of our tax dollars that supports militarism and war.  We are so grateful for the work of building peace and justice that you do.
Charlie Hurst and Maria Smith – Ohio, USA

We invite all U.S. citizens, especially those who claim to be Christian, to join us by refusing to cooperate with our nation’s war-making.  May we all wage peace rather than war with our tax dollars.
Weldon and Margaret Nisly – Washington, USA

Enclosed find a letter to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service detailing our symbolic war tax protest which we are withholding and contributing to CPT.  We recognize that this is an act of civil disobedience that gives us an opportunity to invite our elected leaders to forsake war-making for true peacemaking.
Roy and Loretta Kaufman – South Dakota, USA

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