Palestine: al-Khalil: Litany of Harassment (Again)



  • Palestine - demolition20 April 2011 – Israeli soldiers prevented a kindergarten student, accompanied by his teacher and CPTers, from passing through two different gates to get home from school; one gate was several meters from the child’s house.
  • 21 April 2011 – Israeli soldiers invaded the Bin Tarek School where 700 Palestinian teenage boys study, cutting a heavy chain on the school’s gate, setting off two sound bombs, and occupying the schoolyard.
  • 3 May 2011 – a group of 30-40 Israeli settlers, both men and women, attacked the home of a Palestinian family above Shuhada Street destroying a portion of a concrete block wall and throwing stones, dirt and scrap wood into the courtyard before leaving with over $400 worth of construction tools belonging to workers who had been repairing a section of the house.
  • 21 May 2011 – Israeli soldiers exploded multiple sound bombs (grenade-like devices used for crowd control) in the Old City market, injuring several Palestinians and frightening many; no demonstrations or gatherings of any kind were happening in the market at the time.
  • 27 May 2011 – Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian olive orchards in Tel Rumeida destroying sixteen ancient olive trees, some more than a thousand years old.
  • Palestine - injured sheep1 June 2011 – Israeli settlers from Bat Ayin settlement cut 21 mature grape vines belonging to a Palestinian farmer in the nearby village of Beit Ummar.
  • 2 June 2011 – two teenage boys from the Beit Hadassah settlement threw large stones at Palestinians walking in the market below, seriously injuring a nine year old Palestinian boy in the head.

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