Service Roster


A listing of CPTers and where they served…..

Iraqi Kurdistan
CPTers serving the Iraq team January-March 2012 were: Bud Courtney (New York, USA), Lukasz Firla (Czech Republic), Ramyar Hassani – intern (Suliemaniya, Iraqi Kurdistan), Amy Peters (Saskatchewan, Canada), Sandra Milena Rincón (Colombia), Garland Robertson (Texas, USA), Kathy Thiessen (Manitoba, Canada), Patrick Thompson (Cardiff, Wales). 

CPTes serving the Colombia team January-March 2012 were: Adriana Cabrera (Colombia), Merwyn De Mello (Illinois, USA), Duane Ediger (Illinois, USA), Gladys Gómez (Colombia), Caldwell Manners (India), Julie Myers (Ohio, USA), Sandra Milena Rincón (Colombia), Jenny Rodríguez (Colombia), Pierre Shantz (Colombia), Stewart Vriesinga (Ontario, Canada).

Aboriginal Justice
CPTers serving the Aboriginal Justice team January – March 2012 were: Julián Gutiérrez (Colombia), Peter Haresnape (Cam-bridgeshire, England), Rebecca Johnson (Ontario, Canada), Chris Sabas (New York, USA), Margaret Sumadh (Ontario, Canada).

Fifteen CPTers and interns from Canada, England, Palestine, Sweden and the USA served the Palestine team January-March 2012.  Six delegation members 13-26 March came from Australia, Canada, Italy and the USA.  Names withheld due to the State of Israel’s policy of denying entry to many peacemakers.

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