Letters from Readers



Our government is not contributing much to fostering peace and hope in our world.  May you continue the good work you are doing and somehow receive the funds you need to carry on.  I am happy to continue to support you.
Anne Leonard
Ontario, Canada

We are a group of Quakers who meet in Sheffield, England.  We know that you are working and longing for peace and we send this letter as a small gesture of solidarity and support in the face of the overwhelming horror you face every day and to say how much we respect and admire all you are doing.
Signed by 30 Friends
Quaker Meeting House
Sheffield, England

I thank God for your amazing and selfless work.  You are in my prayers.  I’m so grateful for the help you give to those without a voice.  I’m particularly encouraged when I hear the stories of you travelling with children in Palestine enabling them to arrive safely to their schools.  You are a blessing and phenomenal witness to all you encounter.
Rene Smith
New South Wales, Australia

All over the USA people are moving – marching, organizing, chanting, singing, going to jail.  Die-ins, sit-ins, walk-outs…I even joined friends in New York for a Jericho* walk 7 times around the New York Police Department to bring down the walls of racism and violence.  A revolution is stirring in this land.  I just feel like one of the luckiest folks in the world to know people like you, and the other recipients of Jubilee money – doing some of the most redemptive work in the world.  If we give money power by holding it with clutched fists and protecting it with guns and militaries, then we take its power away by giving it away.  So here you go.  Happy Jubilee and may 2015 bring all sorts of holy mischief for us all.
Shane Claiborne
The Simple Way
Pennsylvania, USA
*Biblical reference to Old Testament story in Joshua 6.

Please remove my name from your mailing list.  I am so tired of hearing about the injustice in Ferguson, Missouri (USA).  That includes your article [“Treasure Not Trash;” Vol. XXIV, No. 4; December 2014].  If we can’t trust the judgment of our legal system, then we are a pretty sad bunch of people.  Maybe you need to look at both sides of the story before commenting.
A. Carol Rimmer
North Carolina, USA
[Editor’s Note: our readers may be interested to know that an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice “revealed a pattern or practice of unlawful conduct within the Ferguson Police Department that violates the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, and federal statutory law.”  https://goo.gl/lu8nnw.  CPT understands violence to be rooted in systemic structures of racism and other forms of oppression. We are committed to undoing oppression, starting within our own lives and in the practices of our organization.]

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