Prayers for Peacemakers, September 23, 2015


Prayers for Peacemakers, September 23, 2015

Pray for the refugees and asylum seekers who continue to
land on the Greek island of Lesvos.  Pray
for the CPT Europe workers and all the international workers, Greeks and
tourists who reach out in compassion to ease their suffering.


 *Epixel for Sunday,September 27, 2015 
 Guardian video featuring CPT Europe workers helping refugees     
We have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have

Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 124:7-8 
*epixel: a snapshot-epistle to the churches related to and appearing with a text from the upcoming Sunday’s Revised Common Lectionary readings. 

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