Prayers for Peacemakers, September 21, 2016


Prayers for Peacemakers, September 21, 2016

Give thanks for the Muslim
villagers of Dipre and the Christian villagers of Kashkawa in Iraqi Kurdistan
who have supported each other over the years during Turkish cross-border
bombings.  Dipre was most affected in the
most recent round of bombings, and the Kashkawa villagers gave the villagers of
Dipre the keys to their homes, so they could find refuge more easily.

*Epixel for Peacemakers September 25, 2016 
Children in Dipre village
Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God,
who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps faith forever;
who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets the prisoners

the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD
 loves the righteous.

 The LORD watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the
 wicked he brings to ruin. Psalm 146:5-9
*epixel: a snapshot-epistle to the churches related to and appearing with a text from the upcoming Sunday’s
Revised Common Lectionary readings.

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