Police station with candles from people protesting the death of Javier Ordóñes at the hands of police. Photo credits: Pulzo Copyright © 2020 Pulzo
CPT invites you to pray for the families of the people killed for demanding a better country.
On 9 September 2020, the police murdered Javier Ordóñez with blows and electric shocks while he begged for his life. In two days of protest, 13 protesters died from live ammunition police shot at them. The country is in mourning. In 2020, Colombia has suffered 55 massacres and more than 200 assassinations of social leaders. The rulers have chosen war and repression. Consequently, the country laments, is in mourning, and has been made desolate by its government.
Isaiah 3:25-26
Your men will fall by the sword,
your warriors in battle!
Her gates will lament and mourn;
desolate, she will sit on the ground.