The Apache Stronghold has announced an International Day of Prayer on Thursday, 21 October to protect Oak Flat. On Friday, 22 October, their appeal will be heard in federal court. If Apache Stronghold wins this case, it will protect the sacred land of Chichil Bildagoteel/Oak Flat from mining interests and serve as a step towards dismantling the legal precedent that marginalizes Indigenous land-based spirituality in the United States.
We pray for the sacred land of Oak Flat.
For the ancestor hawks who watch over us.
For the holy trees that keep their arms open for us.
For the soothing leaves that provide medicine for us.
For the glistening waters that preserve fresh life for us.
For the canyons that maintain centuries of healing prayers for us.
For Resolution Copper to stop its attack and instead show love and compassion.
We pray for the sacred land of Oak Flat.