In February 2023, CPT met with Fardin and his family at their house in Erbil. As refugees and asylum seekers, their family fled Iran in 2012, arriving to Sulaimani where they lived until 2022. Last year they were forced to leave Sulaimani under orders from Asayish (security police) and they had to move to Erbil.
Now the family shared their struggle with CPT once again, as they work toward finding stability in Iraqi Kurdistan. For example, after ten years of living in Iraqi Kurdistan, they still do not have residency documents. The lack of residency has made their life difficult because without it they cannot look for work and their daughter is not able to continue her education among other challenges.
In Iraqi Kurdistan, there are more than ten thousand people who live in in similar situations. Migrants moved across the border from Iran as refugees many years ago and have had difficulties establishing a decent life. They share the same situation as millions of people all over the world, asking for asylum.
We ask you to pray for Fardin and his family. We also ask you to pray for refugees around the world, struggling for a better life.