Dignity for people on the move

Let us come together in solidarity and demand justice in the face of European policies that criminalize people on the move
the links of a fence frame a graffiti on a wall on the island of Lesvos that reads "movement of freedom"

As we step into this new year, it is crucial for us to both remember and stand in unwavering solidarity with all those people on the move, who have been criminalized, wrongfully accused of “smuggling,” and who are currently incarcerated inside Greek prisons.

Instead of providing protection and access to asylum procedures and basic human rights, the Greek authorities and the European Union continue to persecute and imprison people who are seeking safe passage to Europe. This relentless cycle of violence and injustice not only disregards the inherent dignity of all those seeking refuge but also undermines the principles of justice and solidarity that should be at the forefront of any humanitarian response.

In this shared moment of reflection and concern, let us unite our thoughts and voices against the criminalization of migration and against the practice of scapegoating people on the move. The pervasive silence surrounding these injustices must be shattered.

As we come together in solidarity, let our collective plea be heard: we pray for timely justice. For justice delayed is justice denied! And in the face of such pressing matters, it is of critical importance that we collectively strive to demand meaningful change here and now.

The new year must be a year of positive transformative change towards a more just and humane world for all, through the fostering of a spirit of empathy and solidarity that transcends borders.

As we stand in solidarity, our prayers extend towards the acquittal and release of all those wrongfully accused!

We envision a world with safe passages and freedom of movement for all people!

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