Pray for real Peace in Mesopotamia and the Zagros mountains

moutains with a river running in a valley

While Turkey continues strengthening its military bases in Iraqi Kurdistan by building solid infrastructure, transporting heavy weaponry and more military personnel, the country also claims to engage in a peace process with Kurdish Politicians.

Turkey continues its expansionist operations in Rojava by trying to annihilate the Syrian Democratic Forces without letting the different parties in Syria negotiate on their own terms.

The last time there was a peace negotiation between Turkey and PKK, it ended with an outright massacre of more than two thousand Kurdish civilians of Suur, Cizre, Nusaybin and other places, in which entire neighbourhoods were razed to the ground in preplanned Turkish aerial bombardments.

While the indigenous communities of the area thirst for peace and reconciliation, “Peace efforts” by Turkey do not induce a sense of security and hope. Turkey needs to stop its expansionist policies, recognize the rights of Kurdish people in Turkey and let the communities of Mesopotamia and Zagros Mountains freely engage in creating a political system in which they can thrive with all their multitude of diversity.

Pray for the release of imprisoned dissidents.

Pray for real peace in the Middle East and safety and sovereignty for the indigenous communities of Mesopotamia and the Zagros Mountains.

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