Ameera Al-Rajabi

A shoe, a sock and an edge of a table on a tiled floor

The Detained Sock

I’m exhausted by the countless international agreements promising “children’s rights.” The words are everywhere, yet they hold no weight in our reality.

Hands bound by a chain and lock

Tightened Ropes

The first occupation is like a rope around our necks, but the second is like a rope tied around our hands, tightening every day, rendering us voiceless, unable to act or speak out.

A journalist wearing a press jacket makes photos

Is it Worth It?

Taking photos isn’t just a job—it’s our way to resist, exist, preserve our history, and keep our story alive.

an image of a concrete barrier that stands alone at the told of a hill overlooking sandy hills and a gloomy sky. The text overlay reads "Beyond Statistics: Gaza's Human Stories"

Beyond Statistics: Gaza’s Human Stories

The horrors of violence reached my family this week, when my brother received a phone call to inform him that Israeli soldiers had killed his best friend. This murder is part of the aftershock throughout the West Bank as a result of Israel’s war on Gaza.

A child holds a soccer ball under their arm, looking away from the camera, toward an empty street. An image of the Palestinian flag is overlayed in the middle of the image

What if the World Cup were in Palestine?

The World Cup prides itself in bringing the global community together, but what would that look like in Palestine, where the world has allowed impunity to go unchecked?

Ameera stands with Laila in Hebron's Old City, interviewing her about talking to soldiers

Talking to soldiers 

Hebron shopkeeper Laila asks Israeli occupation soldiers to think about why they are serving and what they are accomplishing

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