Saying farewell
I knew this day would come and it’s been on my mind for a long time. When you start something you inherently know that, logically,
I knew this day would come and it’s been on my mind for a long time. When you start something you inherently know that, logically,
I am extremely grateful for and humbled by her strong, calm presence and voice of dissent from inside the belly of the beast. Thank you Rashida for exuding bravery, resistance, and truth.
Define violence. This is often a recurring conversation with colleagues at CPT as we wrestle with several different iterations of violence, justifications of actions, and
People move. The human experience has included migration along every step of the way, and the nation state will not eliminate movement. So it’s about time we start to work with movement instead of continuously trying to stifle it.
This week the Israeli occupation forces entered the Umm Al-Khair village in South Hebron Hills, to demolish several homes. I don’t have any words at
This week, the United States recognized Juneteenth, the anniversary of an announcement made in Galveston, Texas in 1865 that all enslaved peoples were free according
The past eight months have broken us, but I know we are still here because of the radical love that holds us together.
For Pride month, let us remember that Palestine is a queer issue
Embodying the collective freedom as we liberate Palestine and as Palestine liberates us, meaning a fuller Jewish experience and a fuller humanity.
The system is skewed where peaceful protest by racialized people is vilified and violent incitement by white institutions and states is painted as self-defence.