March 20, 2003
IRAQ UPDATE: 7:00 pm/ 11:00 am (EST)
By Doug Pritchard
Scott Kerr phoned at 11 am EST (7 pm their time) to say that the subgroup of
Cliff Kindy, Peggy Gish and Betty Scholten along with four Iraq Peace Team
members has established itself on the grounds of the water treatment plant.
They have had a meeting with the Director of the adjacent Paediatric
Hospital who was very glad for their presence. They have also met with
workers at the water plant and their families, several of whom live in
housing on the site. The group has also done a first prayerful walk around
the perimeter of the facility. They have set up a watch schedule to have two
people on duty every three hours around the clock, awake and walking around
the neighbourhood.
Earlier the team had been asking people to erect tents and banners at
similar facilities in their own communities–hospitals, water treatment
plants, power plants, sewage treatment plants, bridges etc. That seems even
more timely now.