CPT INTERNATIONAL: Create Space for Peace released on the eve of the first anniversary of the passing of CPT’s Founding Director


9 March 2011
Space for Peace released
on the eve of the first anniversary of the passing
of CPT’s Founding Director

Create Space for Peace is fresh from
the printing press and available directly from CPT.
Create Space for Peace: 40 Years of
draws directly from Gene Stoltzfus’ experiences around the
world and contains pictures and stories of direct peace actions, along with
critical assessments of current political and military trends.  It also documents the challenges and
ecstasies on the inner journey of a passionate and joyful peacemaker.  This collection of Gene’s writings and
poignant reflections by others whom his life impacted will inspire those who
wish to travel further on the road to global peace.
People who pre-ordered copies have them by now and are purchasing more to give
to friends and relatives, to place in their church or public library, to read
in their book club.
Order your copy of Create Space directly from CPT (email to sophiac@cpt.org )  CPT
suggests a donation of $15 before March 11, 2011, or $20 after that date.
 There are a variety of book launch events, check the createspace web site
for details!
Here are a few sample comments from readers —
From Louis Wolf, Washington, D.C.
Thank you soooo much!  One copy is
destined for my friend James P. Anderson who has been on Death Row at San
Quentin Prison in California since 1979—and who really is innocent.  The photos are so great and bespeak the
deep commitment of Gene to humanity.
From Susan Haitsma, Austin, TX
I received a copy of the book earlier than expected, have begun reading it, and
I think it’s great.  It is so well
done— really gives the feeling of being in Gene’s presence.  I appreciate reading Gene’s words as he
wrote them, and the tributes from his colleagues, too.

From Myrla Baldonado,
Bayanihan Foundation

“While doing 2 days of care giving work for an elderly
lady in Woodstock, Illinois, I almost finished reading the book.  The wisdom of the forty years of
organizing for peace is very helpful to me who remains virtually struggling for
it in two nations, societies and culture (U.S. and Philippines).  According to Gene, the world is my home
so I must be in my element even if I’m here continuing the work in the
“belly of the beast.”  Thank
you for coming up with this book.”

From Allan Classen,
editor North West Examiner, Portland, OR.

“We’re planning a book announcement during the worship
service and then taking orders for the book.  Duncan Smith and I will lead an adult Sunday school class based
on Gene’s writings in the fall.  The
promo video is very powerful.  I
intend to include it in a presentation during a future worship service.”

From Larry Kehler,
Winnipeg, Manitoba

“Just to let you know I picked up a copy of Create
Space for Peace at the CMU bookstore today.  I had a chance to browse through it for an hour while I
waited for a friend to show up for dinner.  I’m very impressed with the book.  Thanks for your excellent work in putting this important
collection together.”

Visit https://createspaceforpeace.info 
to watch a video clip about the book, view the Table of Contents and read a
review of Create Space that gives a flavor of Gene’s peace works.




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