CPT INTERNATIONAL: Register now for Peacemaker Congress XI–Re-imagining Partnerships for Peacemaking 13-16 October 2011


3 August 2011
CPT INTERNATIONAL: Register now for Peacemaker Congress XI–Re-imagining Partnerships for Peacemaking 13-16 October 2011

Peacemaker Congress XI: Re-imagining Partnerships for Peacemaking

A 25th Anniversary Celebration

October 13-16, 2011
Chicago, Illinois,  USA

Hosted by Reba Place Church
535 Custer Ave, Evanston, IL 60202



Please join CPT for this special 25th anniversary gathering


• Worship • Plenary Speakers
• Bible Study • Anniversary Concert
• Workshops • Public Witness
• Networking



A time to:

  • Hear stories and reflections from CPT partners in Colombia, Iraq and Palestine on partnering for peacemaking
  • Connect with peacemakers in Chicago and beyond who are applying peacemaking models in their local neighborhoods/communities
  • Celebrate and learn from the first twenty-five years of CPT’s story
  • Engage in conversations around CPT’s identity, vision and mission for the next 25 years



Tony Brown in Concert

is an internationally acclaimed baritone and a promoter of peace and
goodwill around the world.  He uses music to promote peace and
reconciliation in countries where peoples’ lives are torn by war and
civil strife.  His stirring performances in political hot spots such as
Bosnia, Northern Ireland, China, Japan, Ukraine, Russia, Uganda, South
Korea, Ethiopia and Colombia have connected people across race,
language, religion and culture and helped them   focus on how we’re all
one in the family of humanity.  Tony will perform a special concert
called “Songs and Stories of Peace, Hope and Justice.”


Bible Studies, Workshops, Plenary Addresses by…

Rev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana

A Baptist pastor from Sri Lanka, Shanta is currently the President of SCUPE (Seminary
Consortium on Urban Pastoral Education) in Chicago.  He is the former
director of the Program for Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation of
the World Council of Churches in Genvva, Switzerland.


Elaine Enns and Ched Myers

is a mediator, consultant, educator and trainer in the field of
restorative justice and conflict transformation. Ched is a biblical
scholar, popular educator, author, organizer and social justice
activist. They are part of Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries in
California, challenging and supporting Christians to engage in peace and
justice work and radical discipleship.
More at bcm-net.org

CPT-Palestine: Fathiyeh Gainey

is a Palestinian, Muslim, peace and justice activist living in London
and currently serving on the CPT-Palestine team as a long-term intern.
 She worked for 19 years as a mental health professional and advocate in
the UK and is a member of Palestinian Solidarity in London.


CPT-Colombia: Angela Castellanos

Angela works with
CAHUCOPANA, a grassroots human rights group that CPT-Colombia
accompanies.  Describing their work as “overcoming fear,” this group
organizes training workshops and community action committees to push
back militarization and paramilitary violence in their region (Northeast

CPT-Iraq: Mohammed Salah

Mohammed is a Kurdish Muslim who serves as a translator, driver and
advisor for the CPT-Iraq team.  He teaches English at an elementary
school in Suliemaniya and joined the Peace Wall during the Kurdish
uprising in February and March 2011.


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