COLOMBIA: Six things you can do to support CPT Colombia


17 November 2011
COLOMBIA: Six things you can do to support CPT Colombia

Whether we are ready or not, Christmas is coming in six
weeks.  Lucky for you, the CPT Colombia
team has made its wish list early!  Give the gift of solidarity this season by supporting CPT and
local peacemaking initiatives.

Here are six quick things you can do:

1. Read and share our
Advent reflection series.
a week for the four weeks of Advent, we will send out a reflection about peace
and justice from our perspective working here in Colombia.  The first reflection will come out
Monday, 21 November.  Please share
these with your friends and family, post them on your personal and
organizational websites, your blogs, or reflect on them with your faith

2. Educate yourself about Colombia.  Did you know that Colombia has the world’s worst internally displaced crisis, with
between four and five million people forced out of their homes?  Or that in October the U.S. passed a
Free Trade Agreement with Colombia, despite the fact that Colombia has the worst human rights record in the Western
Hemisphere?  That 41 candidates were assassinated in October’s
elections?  Stay informed about
what’s going on in the country that the U.S. has called “the greatest
foreign policy success story.”  We will be launching a blog featuring centralized resources
this month.  Stay tuned for the

3. Friend us on Facebook. 

4. Follow us on Twitter and join us in our JustCoz campaign.

5. Donate! During this season of peace, please
consider giving a Christmas gift in support of the work of local peacemakers
here in Colombia. 

6. Lastly, pray for Colombia.  Millions of Colombians pray every day
for peace in their country.  Join
in, and invite your worship communities to do so as well.  Consider saying this prayer for peace
every day during the season of Advent:  

As we anticipate the coming of
the Prince of Peace,

help us to move from
the center to the margins,

from despair to hope,

from weakness to courage,

from hatred to shalom.

Prepare us, O Emmanuel, this Advent season to be voices in
the wilderness  

for peace and  understanding.

Thank you for your continuing support of our work here in
Colombia.  We hope as we prepare
for the Christmas season, you can stand with CPT and with Colombians who are
struggling for peace.


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