Prayers for Peacemakers: CPT seeks your input


August 6, 2012
Prayers for Peacemakers: CPT seeks your

Prayer is the bedrock of support on which Christian Peacemaker Teams stand. CPT seeks your input on Prayers for Peacemakers, a brief, weekly prayer request related to CPT’s work and partners.

Please click this link
to complete the survey before August 15:

Or complete the survey
below and send to

Thank you!

Carol Rose,
Co-Director, CPT


Please tell us how you use Prayers for Peacemakers. (Mark
all that describe how you multiply our prayers with an “R” for regularly or “O”
for occasionally or “N” for never.)

___ I pray for these concerns after I get the
weekly email.


I share the concerns of Prayers for Peacemakers with

___ my congregation/meeting/parish

___ my peace/community group(s)

___ my friends/family

___ other: ______


People in my congregation/group have heard, or
seen in print, the prayer concerns raised in Prayers for Peacemakers brought
into my regular worship service:

-most weeks

-many times

-several times

-once or twice



I share Prayers for Peacemakers with others

___ conversations

___ church bulletin

___ prayers during gathered worship

___ individual emails

___ email list

___ facebook

___ twitter

___ other: _____


Feedback you wish to give about the
format/length or frequency of Prayers for Peacemakers:


Feedback about the content of Prayers for


How might CPT better support your ministry of
praying for peacemakers?


I am interested in connecting more with CPT by
(mark “X” by each response that applies
to you

__ having a CPTer share at my worshiping
community or group

__ praying consistently for one or more
specific CPT intention(s)

__ promoting a congregational relationship
with CPT, one of the teams or a CPT worker

__ joining a peacemaker delegation to a CPT
project site

__ meeting with other CPT supporters in my

__ other: ______


How did you hear about CPT? How have you been


Tell us about yourself:




things about you: 


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