18 January 2013
ABORIGINAL JUSTICE PRAYER/ACTION ALERT: Urge officials to meet with First Nations leaders
Amid reports
that Chief Theresa Spence, on hunger strike since 11 December 2012, is weakening, Christian
Peacemaker Teams’ Aboriginal Justice Team requests prayer support for her and
the Idle No More movement, and communications to two government officials.
A primary objective of Chief Spence’s liquids-only
fast, now in its 39th day, is to hold a meeting in which both Canadian
Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General David Johnston would sit
together with her and other First Nations leaders and hear their perspectives
and concerns. As Representative of Queen Elizabeth II in Canada, the Governor
General’s presence is seen as important since First Nations’ rights under treaties
signed with “the Crown” (now the UK) predate Canada. For more background, see related CPTnet articles.
A 15 January letter from Chief Spence to other Chiefs
explains the purpose of the hunger strike and exhorts them to maintain unity in
the mass mobilization occurring under the Idle No More banner, which has inspired
solidarity actions around the world. Fasting and prayer have been foundational
in many nonviolent movements, including in CPT’s peacemaking work.
both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General David Johnston’s office
and ask that the two of them arrange to meet together with Chief Spence and
other First Nations leaders.
Prime Minister Stephen
Office of Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA2
Fax 613.941.6900
email: pm@pm.gc.ca
General David Johnston
Rideau Hall
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1
email: info@gg.ca