Prayers for Peacemakers, June 5, 2013


  Epixel* for June 9, 2013


Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me! O LORD,
be my helper!                         -Psalm 30:10

*epixel: a snapshot-epistle to the churches related 
to and 
appearing with a text from the upcoming 
Sunday’s Revised 
Common Lectionary readings.

photo subject: Tito Alvear of Las Pavas, Colombia

Prayers for Peacemakers, June 5, 2013

Continue praying for
persecuted Colombians: healing for Tito Alvear of Las Pavas, who suffered
machete wounds after an attack by palm company guards; safety, solace and
solidarity for rights worker Gloria Amparo Suarez,
and for her sons exiled after threats due to her work.

Related stories: 

Palm oil company security guards shoot at Las Pavas community members, attack Tito Alvear with machetes

Update on threats against the OFP

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