This is a one day global opportunity (all currencies accepted!) to take action to remind ourselves that the end of the year is not about consumerism, but about sharing our resources in good will so that there indeed may be peace on earth.
Together we can raise $1,100 for CPT on #GivingTuesday! This is 1% of CPT’s new major gifts campaign, Plowing and Planting. Your donation on #GivingTuesday can help each project in a specific way.
We would also welcome your help in sharing one or two of these short invitations with your social media network (make sure to include the link):
#GivingTuesday – This month in Palestine, the Israeli military has confiscated the vehicle used for transporting the children to Al-Fakheit school. CPT Palestine, EAPPI and Operation Dove do not have enough volunteers to provide the accompaniment really needed to protect the driver and the vehicle. In an atmosphere where very few good ideas are being presented for peace in the region, accompaniment matters. Support something creative and a little bit risky!
#GivingTuesday – In 2009, when CPT Colombia first began accompanying the community of Las Pavas, the team had no idea whether the families would ever be able to return to their land, or whether it would ever be able to produce good food again. Probably no CPTers or Las Pavas community members imagined that they would be standing on a stage receiving the Colombia National Peace Prize in November 2013. In addition to the families’ courage and perseverance, CPTers made huge difference to their struggle. Even with the winning of the prize, this harassment has not ended. Please continue to support Las Pavas and the hope and courage that its families represent.
Aboriginal Justice
#GivingTuesday – It was important that CPT was able to send representatives to England on short notice after it received the invitation from indigenous Canadian leaders who petitioned the Crown there. We need to have a reserve of funds so that we can respond to requests such as these. They go a long way toward building alliances and trust.
Iraqi Kurdistan
#GivingTuesday – What if CPT had the resources to provide trainings for all the civil society groups in Kurdistan wanted them: students, teachers, women’s groups, etc? Your donation could help our partners in Iraqi Kurdistan do more effective nonviolent organizing against the repression they face. Your donation is a vote of confidence in their efforts!
Feel free to add your own message to these invitations when you share them. Thanks for the support!
Today we launch CPT’s first major gift campaign: Plowing and Planting. Drawing on the image of swords into plowshares, we are preparing our field. We have two goals: plowing under the debt for our Chicago training center and office and planting new seeds of psycho-social care for CPTers. Do you know people who might be in a position to make a major gift to support peacemaking? If so, email with their name.
Would you consider a gift yourself? If so, click the button for $1,000 and designate it such, or write a check and address it to P.O. Box 6508, Chicago, IL, 60680-6508.Our goal is to raise $110,000 by August 24, 2014. Investing in the building of partnerships to transform violence and oppression is crucial to sustain our global community.