IRAQI KURDISTAN: CPT calls for elections free of manipulation by the political parties


29 April 2024
IRAQI KURDISTAN: CPT calls for elections
free of manipulation by the political parties

On 29 April 2014, in the presence of four media channels, the CPT Iraqi Kurdistan team
presented a statement regarding the upcoming elections in Iraqi Kurdistan.  The five-page document calls attention to several issues that CPT team members and
delegates observed disrupting the electoral process in September 2013.  CPT Iraqi Kurdistan hopes it will encourage all the involved parties and bodies to work together towards more open
and fair elections. CPT members
have also shared the report with the Independent High Electoral Commission, the
Iraqi national organization that bears the responsibility for organizing the
electoral process and protecting its independence.  Because of concerns that the various political parties might
use the CPT statement to their advantage, the team postponed the public
appearance to the day following the end of the month-long pre-election
campaign. CPT members along with several partners will observe the elections as
a part of an international team. 

The document, “The electoral process in Iraqi Kurdistan through the eyes
of the international observers: Recommendations based on the observations of
the Christian Peacemaker Teams,” is available in English here and in Kurdish.


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