AL KHALIL (HEBRON): A Week in Photos 28 July-3 August 2015


11 August 2015
AL KHALIL (HEBRON): A Week in Photos 28 July-3 August 2015


A week of occupation in photos: Click photos for links 



Pictured here: Two boys witness Israeli soldiers stopping and ID checking a Palestinian man. The military gave no reason for doing so. The man was shopping in the Old City of Hebron.

A Lesson to Learn

Pictured here: A Palestinian boy waits to take his bike back after it was confiscated by an Israeli Border Police. The Border Police said he wanted to “teach him a lesson” – that he can’t pass the Ibrahimi Mosque turnstile with his bike.

Being a Parent


Pictured here: A Palestinian father waits outside the Israeli military base of Beit Romano (also the entrance of the Old City of Hebron) to find out any information about his detained son. This is one of the prices that Palestinian parents must pay while living in the H2 area. 

All for Susyia 


Pictured here: A Palestinian woman participates in a demonstration to save Susyia from demolition. Her sign says “Susiya won’t die”.



Pictured here: A young settler tries to sneak from the Israeli settlement of Beit Hadassah to the Palestinian neighborhood through a fence that splits the areas.

Military Action


Pictured here: Israeli Forces break the door of a Palestinian shop, claiming that there is homemade bomb inside.


Pictured here: A Palestinian girl smiles for the camera in Susyia. In the words of Mother Teresa, “Peace begins with a smile.”




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