COLOMBIA: Days of Prayer and Action 22-23 May 2016 celebrate grassroots peacebuilders


25 April 2016
COLOMBIA: Days of Prayer and Action 22-23 May 2016 celebrate grassroots peacebuilders



Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia


Save the Date: May 22-23, 2016

May 22-23, 2016 will mark the annual Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia (DOPA). For eleven consecutive years, churches of Colombia, North America and the surrounding region have joined this journey that mobilizes thousands of people to pray and carry out actions to call on the governments of the U.S. and Colombia to put an end to the armed conflict in Colombia. This year, people have real hope that a Peace Accord will be signed, ending  fifty-years of fighting between the government and the FARC guerillas. As “Plan Colombia” moves to “Peace Colombia” advocates in the U.S. must call for the U.S. to end militarized aid, and instead invest fully in Colombia’s peace.

This year’s DOPA theme, “Building Peace from the Ground Up” acknowledges the role grassroots peacebuilding has had in tilling the soil for the peace agreement, and the critical role it will play in nurturing a peace that will be sustained in Colombia. Across our two nations we will plant ‘seeds of peace’ together, committing ourselves to renewed work and policies needed for a just peace in Colombia to grow.

For there shall be a sowing of peace; the vine shall yield its fruit, the ground shall give its produce, and the skies shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things. (Zechariah 8:11)


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