Since the signing of the Peace Agreements in December 2016, more than 500 social leaders and human rights defenders have been assassinated. Colombian authorities have tried to minimize the issue of assassinations not recognizing the connection of this violence to the work of human rights defenders. In some declarations, the victims have been accused of involvement with criminal activities, raising the stigmatization and threat against them.
CPT Colombia will be hosting a delegation of 7 people coming from different places at the end of June. Every delegation has a special theme and this time will be focused on the measures of self protection of social leaders, and the intense work for the defense of human rights under constant threat for their permanence in their territories. The delegates will be listening to our partners as they share about their experiences and calling for their work of defending life.
Pray for the leaders and their families as they continue living under threat and for those leaders who have fallen. And pray for our delegates and for our team so we can provide the necessary support to the communities and organizations we will meet.