COLOMBIA: A call to hope and to continue the road to peace


Photo: Marcos Knoblauch/CPT

Christian Peacemaker Teams – Colombia has signed on to a Declaration in response to the announcement of a group of former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia FARC commanders to leave the Peace process and take up arms

As churches, national and international civil society organizations, collectives, initiatives and citizens in general, we are concerned about the continuous obstacles put forth to prevent the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement. Our prayer and commitment is and will continue to be with the churches, the victims of the armed conflict, the population that reincorporated into civilian life, women, children, young conscientious objectors and all those who dream and long for a reconciled and peaceful Colombia. With hope we proclaim that neither death, nor threats, nor wars can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:37).

In this biblical spirit and in accordance with what we have wagered on peace, we regret the announcement made by ex-combatants of the former FARC-EP lead by Luciano Marín to take up arms in order to achieve political and social change.

The implementation of the Final Peace Agreement has not been an easy process, nor has it advanced as much as Colombians would like almost three years after its signing. However, this cannot be an excuse to take up arms again because our commitment as a society must be the construction of peace from a position of respect for life and human rights.

Given this fact, which seeks to break down the efforts of Colombians trying to overcome the wounds caused by the armed conflict, the undersigned

INVITE the churches, socio-ecclesial communities, human rights defenders and social organizations not to faint, to express ourselves in the efforts for the construction of peace in our country, to see God through the eyes of the victims and to remember the [past] achievements at building peace throughout the country.

WE BELIEVE that peace is the fruit of social justice (Isaiah 32:17). We need to overcome the causes that generate exclusion, strengthen a democratic culture and embrace the paths of reconciliation, founded on dialogue and the positive transformation of social conflicts.

WE SUPPORT the reconciliation and healing process carried out by the ex-combatants who have chosen legal approaches as the only means to build a country in peace.

WE REITERATE our call to the State to guarantee the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement and we invite all citizens to accompany the process of [ex-combatants’] reincorporation into civilian life to guarantee that the process is done in compliance with what was agreed.

WE EXHORT the armed actors to cease all intimidating actions and respect the life and dignity of every person because we are Sons and Daughters of God. Life is sacred and therefore, we reject the use of any type of violence that limits the multiple efforts of building a society.

WE MAKE AN URGENT CALL to pray for the peace of Colombia and mobilize in favor of the efforts of those who seek truth, justice, comprehensive reparation of the victims and non-repetition of the acts of violence.

Mennonite Christian Association for Justice, Peace and Nonviolent Action – JUSTAPAZ-
Christian Peacemaker Teams- Colombia
Democratic Culture Foundation – FUCUDE-
Mennonite Church of Colombia – IMCOL-
National Network of Regional Development and Peace Programs – REDPRODEPAZ-
Christian Community of Faith of Supía.
Bridges for Peace Program.
Inter-ethnic and ecumenical corporation for development, reconciliation and territorial peace – CIEDERPAZ-
Radio and Cultural Collective LOCALIZE.
Foundation for Free and Peaceful Territory
Mennonite Church of Armenia
PeacefulCoNova – Active Nonviolence Collective Bogotá / Soacha 
Conscience Without Camouflage Collective – Ibagué
Manuel José Jiménez Rodríguez. – Director, Corporation Observatory for Peace, Bogotá.
Municipal Board of Women of Policarpa, Nariño.
Municipal Board LGBTI Policarpa, Nariño.
Community Action Committee of Policarpa, Nariño – JAC Policarpa-
Students of radio journalism and peace building of the municipality of Policarpa, Nariño.
Communications Collective “Explorers of the Island” of Juradó, Chocó.
Regional Local Development Agency Nariño – ADEL Nariño-
IMA Educational and Cultural Foundation Putumayo – FECIP-
Social Pastoral Diocese Mocoa Sibundoy.
Missionary Union Christian Church of Supia
Christian Community of Faith – Supia, Caldas
ASOCIAMME: Marmato Association of Women Entrepreneurs – Marmato, Caldas.
Corporation for Innovation and Development – Corpoindes-
Disarmed Collective
Nomads Collective
Free Territories Collective 
Bread and Peace Encounter
Women with a Gender Focus – Chocó

Over 80% of our income comes from individual donors.

If you support nonviolence, if you want to help us continue our peacemaking work in Colombia, please donate today!

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