Christian Peacemaker Teams is excited to announce the creation of the Turtle Island Solidarity Network (TISN)!
In March 2019, the full time Indigenous People’s Solidarity Team closed as a result of necessary budget cuts in CPT. However, CPT remains committed to continuing the work of Indigenous solidarity across Turtle Island (the Indigenous name for North America). In addition, we have been inspired by CPT reservists who are committed to decolonization. We would like to explore ways we can support reservists in this work and provide a platform for advocacy, opportunities for networking and shared learnings on Indigenous solidarity and decolonization.
The Turtle Island Solidarity Network is a network of CPT reservists who are engaged in Indigneous solidarity and decolonization. This network strives to take part in actions, be available for accompaniment, provide opportunities for education and advocacy, and work in coalition. By working together across Turtle Island, we strive to erase the colonial border between Canada and the US.
The creation of the network will enable reservists to network and include the advocacy they are already doing, as the work of CPT. At the same time, CPT will support reservists through networking calls and opportunities for advocacy. This will be a two-year pilot project to see how effective the network is.
The mandate of this group is to encourage Indigenous Solidarity within Christian Peacemaker Teams and our constituency through:
- Indigenous Solidarity (actions, events, accompaniment, petitions, and advocacy)
- Settler Education (Undoing Oppressions workshops, Resources on Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery, and presentations to educate constituency)
- Coalition-building to support Indigenous rights and the struggles of our partners
- Undoing Settler Colonialism (providing guidance to the CPT body on how we can undo settler colonialism (including the Doctrine of Discovery and ideology of terra nullius) within our organization)
If you want to learn more about TISN or how your community can be involved, visit the TISN web page for details. We are excited to welcome the CPT community to work with us in building a new network for transformative change!