Photo: Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Please pray for patience on the part of asylum seekers trying to enter the U.S. They bear great anxieties for themselves and their families as they think about what they fled, and what they will do if they are denied entry. Please pray for empathy and understanding on the part of customs officers at the border. Help them to consider carefully the violence and living conditions these asylum seekers have left behind.
Dear Charley,
…I am forced to look out for emigration and as far as I can see U.S.A. is the only country we could go to. Perhaps you remember that we have two girls. It is for the sake of the children mainly that we have to care for. Our own fate is of less importance…
Otto Frank
Father of Anne and Margot Frank
April 30, 1941(The friend, Nathan Straus Jr.—called Charley by his friends—did everything he could to help. But the U.S. government stymied all of his efforts.)