Dear Diary: Today was hard
“Are you ok?” Despite being in pain and his ear bleeding, he replied, “I’m fine.”
“Are you ok?” Despite being in pain and his ear bleeding, he replied, “I’m fine.”
What’s more absurd is how we Palestinians cannot disconnect from everything happening around us.
Avukatlar, aktivistler ve insan hakları savunucuları kriminalize edilseler de de, bu baskıcı dinamikler insanları birbirine daha çok bağlanıyor ve bu durum adalar arasında dayanışmayı kuvvetlendiriyor.
Although lawyers, activists and human rights defenders are being criminalized for seeking justice, these oppressive dynamics are connecting people and encouraging solidarity between the islands.
CPT supports the Apache Stronghold to protect Chich’il Bildagoteel, sacred land also known as Oak Flat.