Living in uncertainty

Conflict is volatile and uncertain. Living in this reality is stressful and exhausting. May we find the strength to persevere and the hope in a possibility for change.
An image of a pane of glass shattered by a bullet but still together.

People seeking asylum on the U.S./Mexico border have been denied this right for over two years under Title 42, a pandemic-era restriction on migration under the pretext of public health. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that Title 42 would be lifted by 23 May, but this decision was met with harsh resistance and seems it will remain in place for the time being. Meanwhile, people’s lives remain in limbo.

May the divine meet them in their grief and accompany them in their perseverance.  

In less than two weeks, Colombians will vote in the first round of presidential elections. The peace vs. war dichotomy is as stark as ever, and as violence increases, Colombians are voting for their lives. 

May the divine meet them in their grief and accompany them in their perseverance.  

In the village of Hirure, Iraqi Kurdistan, community members resist Turkish invasion by remaining steadfast. The farmers tend to their crops and livestock, refusing to break ties with the land that sustains them and the teachers head to school with the firm belief that the next generation will learn to use the pen instead of the sword. But the threat of bombing weighs heavily.

May the divine meet them in their grief and accompany them in their perseverance.  

Aunty Janet lives on her land on unceded Wet’suwet’en Territory. For the last few months, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have trespassed on her property at all hours of the day, sometimes waking her up in the middle of the night with their searches. This harassment is intended to break her spirit. 

May the divine meet her in her grief and accompany her in her perseverance.  

There are thousands of migrants currently locked up in Greek jail cells, uncertain of whether they will be released or sentenced to hundreds of years for exercising their human right of movement. Without proper legal aid, translation, or a real justice system, the odds are against them.

May the divine meet them in their grief and accompany them in their perseverance.  

Palestinian parents send their kids off to school without knowing if they’ll make it through the checkpoint. And if they do, whether they’ll be able to concentrate on learning while living under constant military surveillance and threat of violence.

May the divine meet them in their grief and accompany them in their perseverance.  

CPT holds space for these realities, accompanies these struggles, and advocates for change. May the divine meet us in our grief and accompany us in our perseverance.

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