Israel is demolishing homes in the West Bank

This week, occupation authorities demolished more than 10 homes in Hebron and the South Hebron Hills, destroying these family’s sense of security, community and identity.
a couch leans back because of a broken leg, sitting on a concrete slab in front of a pile of rubble after Israeli authorities demolished a Palestinian home in Hebron

The Israeli occupation continues to enforce a policy of displacement in the Palestinian territories by demolishing the homes of Palestinians who reside and build their homes on their own land. The West Bank is divided into three areas: A, B, and C. The occupation is particularly focused on Area C, which is under full Israeli military and security control. In this area, the occupation authorities have demolished many homes and water wells, and have prohibited the cultivation of lands, claiming these areas are under Israeli jurisdiction.

Recently, the occupation authorities have intensified their efforts, demolishing numerous Palestinian homes without prior warning. On Tuesday 25 June, Israeli authorities demolished a home in Hebron and on Wednesday 26 June, they demolished 10 homes in Umm al Kheir, leaving almost 40 people displaced and without homes. One member of the community set up a tent in order to have somewhere to sleep that night, but occupation forces returned to remove the tent. For Palestinians, their homes represent stability, family, life, and the future. The systematic destruction of homes by the occupation authorities aims to obliterate these hopes for every Palestinian. Consequently, there is no stability, no life, and no future for Palestinians, who are left to struggle for daily sustenance amidst these harsh conditions.

Simultaneously, while demolishing Palestinian homes, the Israeli authorities are expanding settlements and constructing new roads to facilitate the movement of settlers. Many homes have been destroyed right before the eyes of their owners and their children, who are left bewildered and homeless, awaiting tents from international organizations to spend the night. This leads to a life marked by homelessness, displacement, and instability. The financial impact is also severe, as the cost of constructing homes is high. Families invest all their efforts into building their houses, only to see their dreams shattered when the occupation demolishes them. The head of the family stands helpless before the Israeli demolition machinery, unable to do anything except protect his family and search for another place to settle, if he can find one, as rebuilding in the same place is often prohibited.

Children suffer greatly from the demolition of their homes. Their dreams are tied to the rooms and spaces within their houses, and when these are destroyed, so too are their aspirations. The psychological impact on children is profound, as they witness the demolition and are forcibly removed from the only homes they have known. In many cases, the head of the family is arrested if he tries to resist the demolition process or objects to it.

We must extend our prayers and support to every family whose home has been demolished and who are now searching for shelter or a new place to settle. We pray for every child whose tears fall in sorrow over the loss of their home and their room, and for the lack of assistance in their plight. We remember all those forcibly displaced due to the demolition of their homes and the seizure of their land. This includes every individual—children, women, and the elderly—who carried with them dreams of stability and a future in a home on their land, only to have those dreams destroyed by the occupation.

The situation is dire for many families. The ongoing demolition of Palestinian homes is a humanitarian crisis that affects every aspect of life for those who endure it. The loss of a home means more than just losing a physical structure—it means losing a sense of security, community, and identity.

Every day, Palestinian families face the uncertainty of whether their homes will still be standing tomorrow. The psychological toll of living under constant threat cannot be overstated. Children, in particular, bear the brunt of this instability, as their formative years are marked by fear and displacement. The trauma of losing one’s home and the subsequent instability can have long-lasting effects on their mental health and development.

The world must recognize the humanity of those affected and take steps to protect their rights and dignity. Every family deserves the chance to live in peace, to build a future, and to see their children grow up in a stable and secure environment.

Let us all pray for protection and justice for those whose homes have been demolished. Let us hope for a day when all families can live without fear, in homes that are truly their own, on land that rightfully belongs to them. And let us continue to raise our voices in solidarity with those who suffer, advocating for a world where such injustices are no longer tolerated.

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