
Prayers for Peacemakers 24 July 2019

The hashtag reads #You(plural)AreNotAlone Give thanks for the 16 peacemakers from 10 different countries spread over six continents who are training together and discerning their

Train with CPT: Join CPT’S Peacemaker Corps

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is currently accepting applications for its Peacemaker Corps. Join us in building partnerships to transform violence and oppression! Find the application online

Oraciones por la paz, Agosto 24, 2017

Oraciones por la paz, Agosto 24, 2017 Agradecimiento y oración para bendecir a las diez personas que recientemente se graduaron de la capacitación para hacedores

Prayers for Peacemakers, March 17, 2016

We give thanks for the peacemakers-in-training in Iraqi Kurdistan, who recently passed the halfway mark of their training. We ask for endurance and fortitude for

Prayers for Peacemakers, March 10, 2016

We give thanks for the peacemakers-in-training in Iraqi Kurdistan, who recently passed the halfway mark of their training. We ask for endurance and fortitude for

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