CPT INTERNATIONAL: Train with CPT; join CPT’s Peacemaker Corps


Training participants join public action calling for an end to disappearance and assassination
of Colombian human rights defenders.

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is currently accepting applications for membership in its Peacemaker Corps.  Join us in building partnerships to transform violence and oppression!

The next Peacemaker Corps training will be held 12 November – 11 December 2020 in Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan.  Application Deadline is 15 July 2020.  Please direct any questions and send complete application to personnel@cpt.org.

Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and have completed a short-term CPT Delegation or internship by 17 August to be eligible for the 2020 training program.  Qualified candidates may be invited to participate in the training which culminates in mutual discernment with CPT staff regarding membership in the Peacemaker Corps.  Trained Peacemaker Corps members are eligible to apply for open positions on CPT teams.

CPT builds partnerships to transform violence and oppression in situations of lethal conflict around the world.  We are committed to work and relationships that: 1) honor and reflect the presence of faith and spirituality, 2) strengthen grassroots initiatives, 3) transform structures of domination and oppression, and 4) embody creative nonviolence and liberating love.

CPT understands violence to be rooted in systemic structures of oppression.  We are committed to undoing oppressions within our own lives and in the policies and practices of our organization.

CPT is a Christian-identified organization with multi-faith/spiritually diverse membership.  We seek individuals who are capable, responsible and rooted in faith/spirituality to work for peace as members of violence-reduction teams trained in disciplined nonviolence.  We are committed to building a Peacemaker Corps that reflects diversity in ability, age, class, ethnicity, gender identity, language, national origin, race and sexual orientation.

Vigorous discussion during CPT training session.

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