AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): Nighttime home raids in the Old City


23 July 2011
AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): Nighttime home raids in the Old City

 by Jessie Smith

 In the last month, a new brigade of Israeli soldiers has
arrived in Hebron and Palestinians have reported an increase in the number of home invasions.  Raheb, mother of five young
girls, told CPTers about the hour-long raid of her home, describing how they
first searched the roof, then entered their home where her girls were
asleep.  Soldiers proceeded to
empty drawers, pull apart bedding and search the kitchen. 

Raheb asked the soldiers, “Why are you here?”  The only answer she received was,  “Where are your men?”  As it happened, soldiers were detaining the men of the household outside on the street.  Two of Raheb’s five daughters slept through the raid, while
the other three watched in terror.

The following night, soldiers again entered a home,
ascending an interior staircase, passing people from their beds, to stand guard on their roof for
no more than five minutes. 
Soldiers insisted on the necessity of their evening invasion, and then
required identification from anyone in the household who inquired why they were
there.  These are just two examples
of what have become common disturbances in the Old City over the last few

 More pictures are available here.

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