16 August 2012
CPT INTERNATIONAL: Peacemaker delegation dates announced
Christian Peacemaker Teams announces the dates of peacemaker delegations to CPT project sites during 2013. Delegates connect with communities experiencing violence and take part in collaborative nonviolent action and advocacy.
Delegations are open to all interested people and do not require specific training. The fourteen delegations announced for 2013 are in addition to five scheduled during the remainder of 2012.
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ABORIGINAL JUSTICE (Northwestern Ontario)
2012: 28 September-8 October, 2012.
2013: 5-15 April; 9-19 August; 27 September – 7 October
Corporate clear-cut logging of Asubpeeschoseewagong traditional territory (Treaty #3 Territory) has destroyed hunting, trapping, food and medicine gathering activities. Indian Residential Schools have scarred families and communities. Mercury contamination discovered over forty years ago continues to poison residents.
Explore what it means to live in right relationship with the earth and each other. Find out what it means to be an ally to indigenous communities engaged in healing, resisting colonialism and struggling for sovereignty. From a base in the city of Kenora, and visits to Asubpeeschoseewagong traditional lands, the delegations will meet with Indigenous and non-Indigenous community leaders and residents. Delegates will develop an analysis of colonialism, participate in undoing racism training and plan and/or participate in events as allies in the struggle for justice and dignity for Indigenous peoples.
FUNDRAISING EXPECTATION: $525 (Cdn or USD). Delegates arrange and pay for their own transportation to Kenora, Ontario.
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International delegations
2012: 28 Nov – 12 Dec
2013: 30 May – 12 June; 17 – 30 July; 19 Sept – 2 Oct
National delegation (for Colombians)
2013: 23 – 30 March*
In Colombia, an insurgency-counterinsurgency war has left over 200,000 people dead since 1964 and displaced over four million others from their homes. CPT’s Colombia delegations will meet with church, human rights and social justice organizers in Bogotá and in Barrancabermeja, the industrial city in the Magdalena Medio region where CPT’s full-time team has been based since 2001. Delegates will spend several days visiting one or more rural communities struggling for justice, peace and sustainable life on the land. The special focus of each delegation will be announced later.
Click here to apply. CPT Colombia blog
Some physical rigors are involved in most CPT delegations, such as hiking in mud and heat or mountains, hours-long trips by boat or truck, and generally long days.
FUNDRAISING EXPECTATION: $2500 US / $2600 Canadian, which includes round-trip airfare from a designated U.S. or Canadian city. Those planning to travel from other countries, contact the CPT office for more information.
*National delegations are primarily for Colombians, and will be conducted in Spanish. Others with substantial on-ground experience in Colombia and Spanish language fluency may be considered. Contact CPT Colombia at ecapcolombia@edatel.net.co.
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2012: October 4-17, 2012
2013: 25 May – 8 June (German language only*); 14 – 28 Sept
The Kurds of northern Iraq faced discrimination, terror and death under the regime of Saddam Hussein. After the 1991 Gulf War, they gained a measure of autonomy and safety under U.S. protection. Therefore, as the security situation deteriorated in rest of Iraq following the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, thousands of displaced persons fled to the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) area in the north, where it seemed safer. However, northern border villages have recently been the site of military attacks by Turkey and Iran.
CPT’s delegations will be based in Sulaimani, in the KRG. Delegates will meet with representatives of non-governmental organizations, human rights groups, displaced persons, and government officials. They will gain a perspective on the challenges facing people in northern Iraq and the impact there of violence in other areas of Iraq and along the borders of the KRG. The delegation will participate in the work of CPT’s longer-term project of reporting on human rights abuses and supporting local reconciliation. Some physical rigors may be involved.
CPT has had a presence in Iraq since October 2002, first in Baghdad and since November 2006 in Iraqi Kurdistan.
FUNDRAISING EXPECTATION: $3100 US or $3300 Canadian, which includes round-trip airfare from a designated U.S. or Canadian city. Those planning to travel from other countries, contact the CPT office for more information.
* For information on the German language delegation please email Laurens van Esch at lmvanesch@gmail.com
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2012: 22 Oct – 4 Nov, 19 Nov – 2 Dec.
2013: 5-18 March; 21 May – 8 June; 13-26 August; October and November dates TBA.
Road closures, home invasions, checkpoints, separation barriers, and the presence of militant Israeli settlers near Palestinian villages threaten Palestinian human rights. Although the situation for many Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel is grave, the Palestinian and Israeli nonviolence activists remain steadfast, building a nonviolence movement of hope and resilience. CPT delegation members will gain a perspective on how ongoing issues affect daily life, and will experience the power of Palestinian and Israeli citizens overcoming what seem to many to be permanent obstacles.
Delegates will meet with Palestinian and Israeli human rights representatives and peace workers in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. They will visit Palestinian families whose home and livelihoods are threatened by expanding Israeli settlements. They will travel to the city of Al Khalil (Hebron) and the village of At-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills and experience firsthand CPT’s work alongside Israeli and Palestinian partners. They will challenge the structural violence of the Occupation through nonviolent public witness.
Delegates should be prepared for some physical rigors, such as hiking in rough, extremely hilly terrain, heat in the summer and damp cold in the winter, and generally long days.
CPT has had a continuous presence in the West Bank since 1995.
FUNDRAISING EXPECTATION: $2950 US / $3150 Canadian, which includes round-trip airfare from a designated U.S. or Canadian city. Those planning to travel from other countries, contact the CPT office for more information.